
Sunday, August 24, 2008

So many tidbits!

Guess what?! My aunt just came back from Japan and bought back so many tidbits!!! They're so colorful that I cant help myself taking photos of them haha...

so colorful ya?! Tried most of them from this photo and... they dont taste as good as they look...

Oooh this one is nice! See those banana look alike sponge cakes? They taste like... well... bananas and it's nice! And i love cuttlefish! And the chocolate potato chips are nice too! The rest, hmm i havent tried...

Ok see those blue blue color ones? Those are NICE! They're like Nogurts but chocolate de! Mmmm... I dont really like chocolates but they're still nice lol~ and I luv the japanese crackers~ Then there's this bottle like thing that looks like a dick with some funny looking substance in it... My aunt says it's for us to eat it with rice... have yet to tried that but hmm...

Now I have so many things to munch on and I've only tried like 50% of what's available~ Although most of them can be bought in Singapore too but meh, I wouldnt spend that kinda money lol.

And there's my dog again who just got his shower so he's super white. And I gotta love his hairstyle covering his eyes that I cant them =p

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